Author Topic: R3X, or Crash net (both same people)  (Read 1734 times)


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R3X, or Crash net (both same people)
« on: November 25, 2008, 05:06:36 PM »
I \/\/as really getting pissed by this guy killing me a bunch of times. I didn't even kno\/\/ ho\/\/! (by the \/\/ay, my doubleu button is broken) He shoots before he sees you, many occasions it happens here! He also shoots the \/\/all and can magically hit someone. I started recording right after I started speccing him and he started shooting a friend of mine \/\/ithout seeing him! I die after I get a kill or jumping into the silo because I didn't \/\/ant to look suspicious. He also lags really hard \/\/hich is unfair. He took the name of "CRASH NET" but \/\/ith numbers instead of letters. (You kno\/\/, like 3 is E and 5 is S)

BT\/\/, I \/\/ould put the demo in a format media player could read, but I dont kno\/\/ ho\/\/.