Author Topic: NoBS Overclockers Hall of Fame  (Read 3630 times)


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NoBS Overclockers Hall of Fame
« on: January 13, 2009, 01:44:43 PM »
24/7 Stable

1. 4500 Mhz (4.5Ghz) Ku@to E8400  ( Retired)
2. 4410.2 Mhz (4.4 Ghz) Ku@to E8400 ( Retired)
3. 4302 Mhz (4.3 Ghz) Smitty1258 E8400 ( Retired)
4. 4015 Mhz (4.0 Ghz) Ku@to E6850  (Retired)
5. 4014 Mhz (4.0 Ghz) Smitty1258 E6850 (Retired)
6. 4005 Mhz (4.0 Ghz) Werth E8400
7. 4005 Mhz (4.0 Ghz) Super J E8400
8. 3620 Mhz (3.6 Ghz) Smitty1258 E2180

3dMark06 Scores Overall
1. 19351 Super J
2. 18219 DriveRaider
3. 16396 Jonny 5
4. 15862 Werth
5. 15297 Smitty1258
6. 15037 Ku@to
7. 14706 A5D
8. 11737 VonDutch

3dMark06 Scores CPU
1. 4084 Ku@to E8400
2. 3949 Smitty1258  E8400
3. 3729 Smitty1258 E3110
4. 3572 Werth E8400
5. 3217 Gren E6600
6. 3063 Smitty1258 E2180

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(Retired)= cpu no longer in use
« Last Edit: March 27, 2009, 12:00:46 PM by DriveRaider »